Hakuba Village - Medical

Clinic On Duty On Holidays

About Novel Coronavirus

・ If you are concerned about pneumonia associated with the new coronavirus, you can consult with us 24 hours a day.

・ The only number that can be consulted for 24 hours is 0120-691-792.

Protect yourself and others from COVID-19

Regarding occurrence of the novel coronavirus(COVID-19) infection

Regarding occurrence of the novel coronavirus(COVID-19) infection      March, 2020


The novel coronavirus infection is expanding worldwide.  The infected patients are reported also in Nagano prefecture therefore it is important that each of us consider the prevention of the infection measure to stop expansion.

     Hakuba village office is posted the article as same as bellow on related pages of HP.  We would like to ask you to confirm latest news on HP of Nagano prefecture, The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. 

1. Concerning the medical institutes and the consultation  

(Updated: You will see some alteration the article of Feb.,13, 2020)

      When infection is suspected, it is necessary to see the doctor with a medical treatment system for the novel coronavirus to have medical examination.  In case of the following conditions, call the consultation center first for arrangement to ensure to see a doctor, and then visit the medical institution you are introduced.

1. If you have had cold symptoms or a fever of 37.5℃ or over for 4 days or more.

2. If you have a strong sense of fatigue or difficulty in breathing.

3. If you are a senior citizen, a diabetic, a heart failure, a respiratory disease and if you are a pregnant, and you have had symptoms as above 1.or2. for 2 days or more.

4. If you have had cold symptoms or a fever, moreover you had returned or had entered to Japan from the countries or the regions which has occurred of the novel coronavirus infection, or you had to close contact with infected persons.

   ※What does it mean “Closed contact with infected person”?  If you are staying quite long time a home or car, airplane and boat with a person who is suspected the novel coronavirus infection

2. We would like to request you preventing the infection from spreading

       Avoid gathering in groups in areas with poor ventilation where people gather closely


       Organizers of event should consider the necessity of holding any event, whether big or

  small, due to the high risk of infection posed by spaces with poor ventilation, and

environments where people communicate at close range.  If you do hold the event, take

precautionary measures to avoid creating spaces with poor ventilation.  You will take your

 temperature every day.  You will take off-day and stay home when you have cold symptoms and fever.

Please refer to the article of infection control measures, “Health of Hakuba village vol.92”, Public Relation magazine March.

For inquire: Health and Welfare Div., Hakuba village office Tel: 0261-85-0713

Ambulance Guide



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