


白馬村を含む全圏域に対して「新型コロナウイルス特別警報 2 」が発出されました。







長野県は、現下の危機的局面を乗り越えるため、医療非常事態を宣言し、あわせて、白馬村を含む県内全圏域に対して「新型コロナウイルス特別警報 2 」を発出し、9 月20 日までを「命を守る1 か月」とし、確保病床使用率の40 % 以下への引き下げを目標としています。







Preventing the spread of the Covid-19

A message of Hakuba Village Mayor

Aug 20, 2021


A "COVID-19 Special Alert 2" has been issued for all areas including Hakuba Village.


To all people related to Hakuba Village

I am a Hakuba Village Mayor, Masatake Shimokawa.
First of all, I would like to express my gratitude once again to all of you who have been working and cooperating for a long time to prevent infection.

Due to the rapid spread of the COVID-19(The Delta variant) and the nationwide movement of people during the summer vacations, the number of new positive cases of the COVID-19 has exploded in Nagano Prefecture, and the number of positive cases is also on the rise in the village.
In order to overcome the current critical situation, Nagano Prefecture has declared a state of medical emergency and issued a "COVID-19 Special Alert II" for all areas in the prefecture including Hakuba Village, designating the period up to September 20 as "One Month to Save Lives" with the goal of reducing the use of secured hospital beds to 40% or less.

I would like to ask everyone involved in Hakuba Village to take the best possible action to minimize the risk of infection, so that you do not become infected yourself or infect others around you. Hakuba Village is currently conducting a vaccination program for the COVID-19 vaccine for villagers over the age of 12, and there are some openings for September, so if you are a villager and have not yet been vaccinated, please make an appointment through the reservation website.

We are at the brink of stopping the explosive spread of infection and protecting precious lives and the medical care that supports them.  We are thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
