









1 混雑した場所や感染リスクが高い場面・場所への外出・移動を自粛してください。


2 改めて原点に立ち返り、基本的な感染防止対策を徹底してください。


3 家庭内での感染防止対策を徹底してください。


4 不要不急の県外との往来は控えてください。

・旅行者の方は「信州版 新たな旅のすゝめ」を遵守してください。







Preventing the spread of the COVID-19.
A message of Hakuba Village Mayor
Feb 21, 2022

To all people related to Hakuba Village
I am a Hakuba Village Mayor, Masatake Shimokawa.


The Priority Measure for prevent of spread of the COVID-19 infections has been extended until March 6.

As a result of the priority measures for prevent of spread of the COVID-19 infection that took effect on January 27, the number of new positive cases has slowed down, and the target of using less than 50% of the secured hospital beds has been maintained.

However, the number of new positive cases in the prefecture still high level, and it continues to increase in the Hakuba village. Therefore Nagano Prefecture has requested the following main measures.

〇Do not go out or move to crowded places or the circumstances with high risk of infection.

〇Take basic infection prevention measures and confirm the infection prevention measures again.
     Make sure to keep your distance from people, wear masks properly, wash your hands, disinfect your hands.

〇Take measures to prevent infection at the home.
Even if you are infected, you may not have any symptoms, so be sure to ventilate your home regularly and wash your hands frequently to prevent household infections in your family.

〇Please refrain from traveling to and from outside the prefecture.
Travelers are requested to observe the "Nagano Prefecture New Travel Guidelines”.

Hakuba Village has been implementing booster vaccination program since this month February. Information letter about the booster vaccinations will be sent out in the order in which the second dose of vaccine was administered, so please help us with the booster vaccination services.

Hakuba Village main industry is tourism, is facing a very difficult time, please forgive me for making this request again in the long run, but it is important to bring the infection under control at this stage so that we will be able to safely welcome the season with confidence and the fiscal year will change, and then the number of people coming and going increases. I would like to ask for the continued understanding and cooperation of everyone involved in Hakuba Village.


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電話番号:0261-72-7002 ファックス:0261-72-7001
